Digital Humanities


Humanities Computing

Humanities Computing provides innovative technology services, user support, and computing resources to meet the academic and administrative needs of the Humanities Division. Our expertise emerges from our ongoing engagement with the intellectual pursuits and activities of our faculty, graduate students and staff.

Our unit works closely with affiliated departments, centers, institutes and technology groups on campus as well as peer institutions, funding agencies and other professional organizations to advance the division’s research, academic and administrative goals.

Heading photo: Digital reconstruction of “Raided Village” mural, Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itza, by Magdalena Glotzer, AB ’19 (2019), based on a 1931 reconstruction by Ann Axtel Morris and diagrams from Morris, Earl Halstead. The Temple of the warriors at Chichen Itzá, Yucatan. Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1931.