Digital Humanities


Digital Library Development Center

The Digital Library Development Center (DLDC) collaborates with library staff, university faculty, departments and other groups on campus, and colleagues at other institutions, to enable discovery of the library’s information resources, to make the campus community aware of the library’s services, to build digital collections, and to ensure the persistence and usability of the library’s digital resources over time.

Core activities include designing, building, and maintaining web sites, databases, digital collections, and the Library Digital Repository; installing and supporting both commercial and open-source systems that provide access to information resources, e.g., the SFX link server, the Luna Imaging software environment for image collections, and the VuFind library catalog software; administering the network of information server computers which underlie the digital library and support related initiatives on campus; researching, evaluating, and implementing new technologies; participating in national and international digital library initiatives; and documenting and sharing information about our work.

Top: Digital reconstruction of “Raided Village” mural, Temple of the Warriors, Chichen Itza, by Magdalena Glotzer, AB ’19 (2019), based on a 1931 reconstruction by Ann Axtel Morris and diagrams from Morris, Earl Halstead. The Temple of the warriors at Chichen Itzá, Yucatan. Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1931.