Digital Humanities



The Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language (ARTFL) is a consortium-based service that provides its members with access to North America’s largest collection of digitized French resources. Along with the ARTFL Project’s flagship database ARTFL-FRANTEXT, ARTFL members are also given access to a large variety of other Subscriber Databases.

The collections of texts are powered by PhiloLogic, an open-source database and search engine designed to handle TEI-XML documents. ARTFL’s ongoing research and development work has been focussed in the areas of machine learning, sequence alignment, and large-scale text mining. This has most recently led to the release of several software packages, such as Text-PAIR, a sequence aligner for humanities text analysis designed to identify “similar passages” in large collections of texts, and TopoLogic, a topic-modeling browser based on PhiloLogic databases. ARTFL has applied these tools for scholarly research such as the Commonplace Cultures project, the Practices and Legacies of the 18th Century project, and more recently the Intertextual Hub project.

The ARTFL Project is a cooperative enterprise of the Laboratoire ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Division of the Humanities, and Electronic Text Services (ETS) of the University of Chicago. It was founded in 1982 as a result of a collaboration between the French government and the University of Chicago.

Above: Ramelli, Agostino, Figure CLXXXVIII, Le diverse et artificiose machine del Capitano Agostino Ramelli, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Library

Top: Wireframe image of the tessellated 3D digital model of the South Cave, Northern Xiangtangshan. Xiangtangshan Caves Project, Center for the Art of East Asia, Department of Art History.